Thursday 12 January 2017

50 TOP Teacher Education Multiple choice Questions and Answers

Teacher Education Objective type Questions
Read the most frequently asked 50 top Teacher Education multiple choice questions and answers PDF for freshers and experienced.

Teacher Education Objective type Questions and Answers List

1. To make teachers accountable. They should be given
(a)Freedom in the selection of content and methods of teaching
(b) Training in teaching and examining.
(c) Opportunities for professional growth
(d)Transfer to places where they want to serve.

2. The social heritage of people could be described by the following term
(a) Culture
(b) Social norm
(c) Transmission
(d) Human involvement

3. Which one of the following characteristics could be regarded as the outstanding aspect of a scientific culture?
(a) Generalisation
(b) Actualisation
(c) Qualification
(d) Quantification

4. In India, education means
(a) The assimilation of tradition in language
(b) Respectful behaviour to elders & teachers
(c) Customs
(d) All are important

5. Hearing is controlled by
(a) Frontal lobes
(b) Occipital lobes
(c) Temporal lobes
(d) Parietal lobes

6. All the functions of educational measure­ments are concerned, directly or indirectly with
(a) Avoidance of conflicts
(b) Selection of teachers
(c) Facilitation of learning
(d) Improvement of administration

7. In which of the following respects is a theory 'not' different from a belief?
(a) Antecedent consequent relationships'
(b) Acceptability
(c) Verifiability
(d) Demonstrability

8. According to Swami Vivekananda, teacher's success depends on
(a) His renunciation of personal gain a" service to others
(b) His concentration on his work and if with a spirit of obedience to God.
(c) His professional training and creating
(d) His mastery of the subject and task controlling the students

9. The Montessori schools insist on
(a)The principle of sense training
(b)Creativeness, the main objective c education
(c) Complete discipline and supervision
(d)Well equipped school buildings

10. It is usually claimed that any subject that is taught in school has a disciplinary value. This means, that
(a) It requires strict discipline among students to learnt it
(b) It teaches certain habits and qualities to train the minds of students
(c) Every subject is the outcome of the disciplined thinking and experience of experts
(d) It requires special and disciplined methods of teaching

11. According to Alder, the primary cause for stresses and strains in an individual is
(a) The feeling of inferiority
(b) The desire for knowledge of the self
(c) The desire for gratification of the sex impulse
(d) The curiosity to know the mind of others

12. The Pancha Kosh Theory of Education was elaborated by
(a) Swami Vivekananda
(c)Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Aurobindo

13. It is often complained that there is brain drain in our country. The implication is that
(a) The brains of educated persons are having washed in unnecessary pursuits.
(b) Students brains are unnecessarily burdened with every education
(c) Education that is imparted is a string to the brains average students
(d) Educated and capable people are seeking jobs in other countries because of unemployment here

14. Historically speaking, Thornodike's theory of learning was translated into class room method following
(a) Trocbelian principles of child education.
(b) Herbatian steps with only slight modifications.
(c) John Looke's approach to children's state of mind
(d) The scientific principles recommended by Rousseau.

15. Rousseau who popularized the Naturalistic Philosophy of Education in the West belonged to
(a) The 17th Century
(b) The 16th Century
(c) The 15th 16th Centuries
(d) The 18th Century

16. A good piece of research is the product of
(a) A good research library
(b) Collective scholarship
(c) A penetrating and analytical mind
(d) A touch of genius

17. The horizontal enrichment programme of instruction means
(a) Selecting topics of equal difficulty level and presenting them together.
(b) Grouping children of similar abilities for teaching advanced knowledge
(c) Teaching topics in relation to other topics to suggest self study by students
(d) Enlisting the co-operation of all talented students to study together with a competitive spirit

18. Appetite and satiety centres of brain an present in
(b)Cerebral hemisphere
(c) Cerebellum
(d)Medulla oblongata

19. The Indian Education Commission (1964-66) has recommended compulsory social service for school children as follows
(a) 20 days for the lower secondary stage and 20 days for the higher secondary stage
(b) 10 days for the primary stage and 30 days the secondary stage
(c) 30 days for the lower secondary and 20 days for the higher secondary stage
(d)10 days for the lower secondary stage and 20 days for the higher secondary stage

20. When you put a question in the class to check the knowledge of students, the best method would be to
(a) Put more than one question at a time to stimulate students
(b) Frame the question as lengthy as you can
(c) To point to intelligent students first and then put the question
(d) To pose the question to the whole class and then select somebody to answer

21. Research is
(a) Data gathering
(b) Moving from a broad area to a narrow and focussed area
(c) A systematic process of finding the truth
(d) Data gathering, processing and analysis

22. The theory of learning associated with connectionism was propounded by
(a) Socrates
(b) Pavlov
(c) Thorndike
(d) Kilpatrick

23. Evaluation in education insists on the following:
(a) Making tests more reliable and valid
(b) Conducting periodical tests to detect students' weaknesses
(c) Insisting on clear cut behavioural objectives of teaching
(d) Examining students objectively for selection purpose

24. The main purpose of the first degree in our universities should be to
(a) Bring students to frontiers of knowledge and from there should be research
(b) Equip students with necessary competencies for different work experiences
(c) Prepare students for social service and bring them to the threshold of knowledge
(d) Bring to the frontiers of research with necessary equipment of knowledge

25. The idea of starting girls' University in our country started in the year 1970.
(a) As an initiative of the British rulers.
(b)Through the efforts of municipalities and local fund communities
(c) With the opening of the SNDT university at Bombay
(d) With the political awakening in the country by the push given by Mahatma Gandhi

26. A good communicator needs to be good at
(a) Speaking
(b) Listening
(c) The use of language
(d) The use of humour in speech

27. Which controls reflex action?
(a) Sympathetic nervous system
(b) Central nervous system
(c)Parasympathetic nervous system
(d) Sensory nerves

28. Adult education's main objective is to
(a) Teach adults to be able to understand' what they read
(b) Enable the adults to read and write
(c) Help adults achieve literacy along it personal development
(d) Socialise the adults to move about freely

29. The idea of sense training in the Monte: method is based on
(a) The theory of transfer of training
(b) The behaviouristic theory of education
(c) The stimulus response theory of learning
(d) The pragmatic aspects of education theories

30. Which of the following skills/qualities is most important for a researcher?
(a) Desire to discover the truth
(b) Communication skills
(c)Ability to gather data
(d) Ability to work hard

31. The term "Manpower Needs" in any country requires the
(a) People should be educated in accordance with specified jobs requirements
(b) Enrolments in educational institutions should be decided according
(c) Capacities of men should be fully utilised for education and training
(d) Education at all stages should be geared to promote the powers of the educates

32. Spinal nerves are usually
(a) Mixed
(b) Efferent
(b) Afferent
(d) Sensory

33. A mixed cranial nerve is
(a) Facial
(b) Abducens
(c) Anditory
(d) Oculomotor

34. Man is superior to other animals mainly due to
(a) Large brain
(b) Free forelimbs
(c) Erect posture
(d) Front eyes

35. Vocationalisation of education has the object of
(a) Preparing students for a vocation along with knowledge
(b) Giving more importance to vocation than general education
(c) Converting liberal education into vocational education
(d) Creating an educational bias among vocational people

36. The abbreviation SUPW means
(a) Social Upsurge for Progress and Work
(b) Scientific Utilisation for People and World
(c) Socially Useful and Productive Work
(d) Solution of Utilitarian Problems of Work

37. If a student becomes unconscious in the class what will you do first?
(a) Telephoning student's parents and waiting for them
(b) Rushing to the principal's office and convassing for help impatiently
(c) Giving first aid to him and trying to contact any nearby doctor
(d) Making arrangement to send him to his home

38. Effective teaching means
(a) Love, cooperation, sympathy, affection and encouragement given to students
(b) Corporal punishment given to students at the time of moral offences
(c) Individualized instruction and open classroom discussion
(d) Both (a) and (c)

39. School children are often victims of infection caused by
(a) Mal-nutrition caused by undigested food particles
(b) Invasion of the body by the plant and animal organisms
(c) Carelessness of teachers in providing activities
(d) Lack of proper exercises and drills

40. One can be a good teacher, if he
(a) Has genuine interest in teaching
(b) Knows his subjects
(c)Knows how to control students
(d) Has good expression

41. Drop outs are more likely to be
(a) Vulnerable to the requirement of public assistance
(b) Unemployed
(c) Engaged in antisocial behaviour
(d) All of these

42. Genu and splenium are associated with
(a) Medulla oblongata's
(d) Vermis

43. Parkinsons disease is of
(a) Heart
(b) Kidneys
(d) Lungs

44. The professional requirements of a teacher as explained in the UNESCO publication is/ are
(a) Innovativeness in approach and teaching strategies
(b) Mastery over the subject and competency for teaching
(c) Justice to the profession
(d) All of the above

45. During depolarization, permeability of neuron increases towards
(a) N+
(b) Na+
(c) Ag+
(d) Mg++

46. Students should prefer those teachers who
(a) Give important questions before examination
(b) Dictate notes in the class
(c) Can clear their difficulties regarding subject-matter
(d) Are themselves disciplined

47. Students learn more from a teacher who is
(a) One who communicates his ideas precisely and clearly?
(b) Affectionate
(c) Gently
(d) Hard working

48. The most important skill of teaching is
(a) making students understand what the teacher says
(b) Keeping students relaxed while teaching
(c) Covering the course prescribed in his subject
(d) Taking classes regularly

49. A technical educational cess was recommended to be levied in our country' the first time by
(a)The Secondary Education Commission
(b)The International Education Commission
(c) The University Education Commission
(d)The Technical Education Commission

50. The best way to react to wrong answer by a student is
(a) To scold him for not having learnt lesson
(b) To explain why the answer is wrong
(c) To ignore the wrong answer and pass on to the next question
(d) To ask another student to give the corn answer

Answers :
1.(a) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5.(c) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (b) 11.(a) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (d) 21(d) 22.(c) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25.(c) 26. (c) 27.(c) 28. (c) 29. (a) 30. (d) 31(a) 32.(b) 33. (c) 34.(d) 35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38.(d) 39. (b) 40. (a) 41(d) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (d) 45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (a) 49. (a) 50. (b)

10 TOP Teaching Interview Questions and Answers pdf

10 TOP Teaching Interview Questions and Answers
Read the most frequently asked 10 top Teaching Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced pdf

Teaching Interview Questions and Answers List

1. What is your teaching philosophy?
Ans : The teaching philosophy of any potential candidate is developed during the college or graduation days. During the interview for a teaching job, you need to revise on that philosophy.
Teaching Philosophy implies the beliefs and principles you have about teaching and learning. This question is most often not asked but you should incorporate the subject in the interview appropriately. You could also discuss how to you put your beliefs into practice and talk about what you have done or what you plan to do in the classroom based on these beliefs. It is most important that you revisit your philosophy from time to time to stay abreast with the latest developments in teaching styles and methods.

2. Why do you want to teach ?
Ans: This is a fundamental question. The interviewer really wants to assess whether you are genuinely interested in teaching profession or are you getting in to it because you didn’t have any other better option. Teaching is a tough job which requires a lot of patience, resilience and determination. If you appear motivated to them, then there is a better chance of you being hired. You should stress the point that you know that the teaching profession is a very demanding one as you have seen as an observer but you also feel that there are some things which give satisfaction. You can follow it up with some personal examples- like the time when you helped a reticent adolescent come out of his shell, or initiated some new programs in the youth club. All your answers should reflect your enthusiasm and dedication towards the profession.

3. What type of classroom management/discipline would you implement?
Ans: This answer will change according to the grade that you have applied for. There will be different techniques to manage a kindergarten and some other technique to handle a middle school or a high school class. The teaching style and your previous experience in the class would also be of importance in this instance. Use of personal experiences during the interview is always good. You should be very clear in though while replying to this answer and be ready to use the techniques when needed.

4. Will you be able to manage/discipline a class of 35 students?
Ans: This is one of the most important qualities needed in a teacher. The teacher should be able to lead the group of students using the carrot and keep the stick as the last resort. While answering this question, you should lay stress on the fact that good organizational skills, self-confidence, robust personality and a sense of humor always help while managing a group of students without too much conflict. You can expand upon this by using personal situations and the steps you have taken to handle these situations.

5. What courses could you teach here?
Ans: You should be prepared for this answer because it is one of the most basic questions. You need to check up on the courses being offered in the department well in advance and reply accordingly. You can also suggest some new courses which you might like to see introduced in the curriculum.

6. How comfortable do you feel while using the latest technology in the classroom? Have you ever used it ?
Ans: With the latest development in technology, the schools have also started incorporating technology use in the daily classroom activities. But there are many teachers who belong to a different era when the teaching aids were not so advanced and they did not have such an exposure.
This creates an apprehension about the use of technology and they are easily intimidated by it. But as a new teacher, you should reveal your comfort level with the latest teaching aids and the manner in which you have put them to use from time to time.

7. How would you make your subject interesting to a class of uninterested low ability pupils ?
Ans: This question requires you to show your creativity, enthusiasm, communication skills and the appropriate use of technology. You could mention that you will be using the various techniques available to create interest in the students. You will involve the whole class in a particular subject and use games, wall chart papers, case study and role playing to learn new things. Your answer could include how you would canvass advice from your colleagues on what to do in these circumstances.
Perhaps they have taught the particular class in question and can make some suggestions.

8. Have you had experience boosting a student's self-esteem? If so, how did you do this ?
Ans: This requires to state the times when you have worked with a student on a one to one basis.
This could be because the student was undergoing some trouble and needed your help apart from the academic one. This interaction really gives a morale boosting to the student and definitely helps raise his/her self-esteem. This is an effective manner of conflict-resolution because the student feels important and wanted. He/she cherish the feeling that they are noticed as an individual and respond more positively to circumstances.